DigiCel Releases FlipBook SE 2D Animation Software

Animation software developer DigiCel, Inc. has released FlipBook SE (Standard Edition), a 2D animation software program. The program give animators the ability to scan or shoot their drawings under a camera, in addition to drawing them on the computer itself using the programs built-in light table feature. As the drawings are captured, they are automatically positioned in a traditional style exposure and can be played back the moment capturing is completed. An editable exposure sheet lets animators experiment with timing changes while the scene is being played. Animators can ink and paint the animation before outputting to video or posting on the Internet. Animators can create custom color palettes for each character or level of animation, choosing from over 16 million colors. The program will automatically re-paint an entire scene if new colors are chosen. In scenes with limited movement, the program will automatically paint every frame to match the first one, saving the animators or painters from having to paint every frame entirely by hand. DigiCel also produces FlipBook PT, a leading pencil test software package. For more information visit www.digicelinc.com.

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Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.