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A Closer Look: Ask The Experts In Awn's New Discussion Forums

AWN is pleased to announce the additions of Tony White, Kyle Clark, Michael Ford, Larry Lauria and Chris Robinson as hosts of new AWN Discussion Forums. Launched within the Community Center section of our parent company Website,, these new forums give you direct access to an unparalleled group of animation industry experts. Don't be shy! Do you have questions about animation techniques, styles, tools? Have an opinion about a particular animated feature or series? Check out this forum lineup!

- THE ANIMATOR'S DESKTOPis hosted by award-winning animator and noted author Tony White. Tony's famous book "The Animator's Workbook" is one of the few "must have" books on every animator's bookshelf. Now, you can share the torment and triumph of the animator's desktop directly with Tony in this hot new forum. The principles of movement are identical whether you're working on a lightbox or computer... only the techniques are different. Tony brings his unique talent, perspective and expertise to AWN, where both new and experienced animators can interact and converse with him on a wide range of topics. So, pull up a thread and tell us what's on your mind!

- 3D CHARACTER ANIMATION is hosted by Kyle Clark and Michael Ford, award-winning animators and co-founders of Animation Foundation. Kyle's film credits include "Space Jam," "Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace," "Sleepy Hollow" and "Rocky and Bullwinkle," among others. Michael's credits include "The Perfect Storm," "The Mummy," "Godzilla," "Species 2," "Mortal Kombat 2" and "The Faculty." Animation takes a lifetime to master. To grow and develop as an animator, you need to learn from peers. This forum will focus on topics exclusive to character animation in the digital environment. Whether you're an industry veteran or just starting out, share your questions or comments about the world of 3D animation.

- Industry veteran animator and educator Larry Lauria, founder of the Toon Institute, hosts ANIMATION TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES. Anyone who has been in the business long enough knows that no two animated projects are EVER alike -- that's the challenge and fascination of the art form. Animation Tools and Techniques is a place to share your thoughts and expertise about animation. Whether you draw, paint, sculpt or dabble, animation offers an outlet. Pick a topic, a technique or a tool and let's go!

- THE ANIMATION CAFÉ is a sort of anarchistic forum (or variety show if that sounds better) for debates, criticism and commentary about any and all aspects of animation, especially the art of animation, whatever that means. The Animation Café is hosted by Chris Robinson, executive director of the Ottawa International Festival and founder/director of SAFO, the Ottawa International Student Animation. Chris has curated film programs, served on juries and written numerous articles on animation. He prefers writing over cartoons. He also writes a column, The Animation Pimp, for Animation World Magazine. Controversial by nature, Chris irks a lot of people with his often-inflammatory opinions about many things. Enter the Animation Café and join the verbal sparring match. Follow a theme or start your own. It's up to you, but remember to be respectful of the others.

- THE ANIMATION FLEA MARKET is the place to go for buying, selling, trading and finding animation-related items. A cross between classified ads and a rummage sale, you will be able to peruse animation equipment, collectibles, art, books and videos. Whether you are trying to get rid of an animation stand, or looking for a rare animated film on video, post messages for just about anything.

Jay Francis, Director of Recruitment at Film Roman, will join us soon to take over the hosting of our Animation Jobs, Networking and Portfolio forum. We also have forums on Motion Graphics Design and Visual Effects. All forums are hosted by leading experts in their respective fields who are there to facilitate conversation, answer questions and refer users to Creative Planet and outside content. You can interact with your community by logging on to the Website or by subscribing to the forums via e-mail. All suggestions and comments are welcomed in the "Give Feedback" forum!
