With the live-action comedy, BRING IT ON still claiming the #1 spot, New Lines THE CELL jumped up a spot to second in the U.S. box office charts over the Labor Day holiday. The serial killer mind trek, with primary visual effects by Toybox, grossed another US$9.1 million, raising its cume to $46.4 million. Also moving up a slot to third, SPACE COWBOYS showed that old guys have box office pull with a gross of $8.3 million. The aged astronauts, with primary visual effects by ILM, have wrangled up a total of $74.2 million thus far. Debuting in fifth, Dimension Films HIGHLANDER: ENDGAME is the fourth installment in the immortal tale, racking up $6.4 million. Still afloat in sixth, WHAT LIES BENEATH scared up an additional $6.2 million. The apparition affair, with primary visual effects by Sony Pictures Imageworks, has an impressive total gross of $137.5 million so far. Squeezing its way into ninth, NUTTY PROFESSOR II: THE KLUMPS gobbled up another $3.8 million. The blubber brew-ha-ha, with primary visual effects by Double Negative Ltd., has a cume of $115 million. Box office reports obtained in THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER.