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AWN launches the brand new Student Corner resource section

At the new Student Corner youll find advice, jobs, references, schools, resources and more...

For the third time in the last two weeks, AWN is pleased to announce the launching of a new section! Take a moment to visit the brand new Student Corner, AWN's latest and greatest resource site designed to provide fast and easy access to AWN's entire array of education-related resources. Quickly find your way to hundreds of articles, clips, special lists, and more! We'll be adding new resource links every week, giving you categorized, indexed access to the entire AWN site! In the coming weeks and months, we'll also be adding special articles and resources focusing on the needs and requirements of current and future animation faculty and students. Articles about financial aid, courses of study, and portfolio preparation, to name just a few. Along with the recently launched Animation School Database and Career Connections sections, the Student Corner provides AWN readers with a comprehensive set of interesting and informative resources unavailable anywhere else! Stop by the Student Corner today at:

Dan Sarto's picture

Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.