Big news from the next-generation entertainment industry! AtomFilms hasacquired PixelWave, a leader in online content development andentertainment technologies. The acquisition has spurred AtomFilms to makeplans to form "Atom Studios," a next-generation entertainment studio. Thenew company will focus on the creation of new original Macromedia Flash andstreaming media animated series and integrating content in both onlineadvertising and sponsorship opportunities. "PixelWave delivers an importantingredient towards [AtomFilms] vision of being a broader-basedentertainment company. Our focus has always been to partner withindependent filmmakers and content creators," said Mika Salmi, founder andCEO of AtomFilms. "The formation of the Atom Studio directly benefits ourindependent animators looking to increase the value of their content. Thereis overwhelming demand to create online animated content for both consumersand businesses. PixelWave is leveraging their expertise in technology andartistic talent to deliver an exciting blend of entertainment." In thedeal, AtomFilms will also obtain PixelWave's original content for onlineand offline distribution.