Appeal Delays Superman Legal Battle

The long battle over the rights to Superman is going to take longer. The Hollywood Reporter writes that U.S. District Judge Otis D. Wright put a stay on the case pending an appeal by Superman co-creators Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel's heirs' lawyer Marc Toberoff.

The long battle over the rights to Superman is going to take longer. The Hollywood Reporter writes that U.S. District Judge Otis D. Wright put a stay on the case pending an appeal by Superman co-creators Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel's heirs' lawyer Marc Toberoff.

Previously a federal judge ruled that Warner Bros. could lose some rights to the Superman character and mythology. Warner then filed suit against Toberoff claiming he pressured the heirs of Shuster and Siegel to not negotiate over the rights. In turn, Toberoff filed motions to dismiss the case and then countersued Warner under the anti-SLAPP law, which bars retaliatory lawsuits filed by the losers of a previous case. Following that Warner changed its lawsuit spurring Toberoff to amend his suit. As a consequence, the judge said the anti-SLAPP claims no longer applied. The appeal that paused the whole suit was in regards to Toberoff appealing the judge's ruling on his anti-SLAPP case.

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Animation World Network
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