Diepenbeek, Belgium-based Androme N.V. has announced the release ofCreaToon, a tool for cut-out animation, animated paint and any otheranimation that needs the manipulation of images or video sequences.CreaToon enables real-time editing and preview, and allows all parametersand textures can be animated with multiple camera views and scenes and lotsof plug-ins, such as file format plug-ins (TGA, BMP, JPG, PNG and AVI), alayers plug-in (image and gradient layer) and others. The package alsoprovides a powerful animation editor, multiple camera views, multiplescenes and animated cuts between camera views, and comes with an on-linemanual and tutorials. CreaToon is currently available on Windows 95,Windows 98 and Windows NT platform, and is available as of September 6.1999. For more information visit www.creatoon.com. Androme N.V. was foundedin 1990 as a spin-off company of the Expertise Centre for Digital Media(EDM) of the Limburg University Centre. Androme N.V. develops software andproduces multimedia productions, especially 2D computer animation.