Looking for a creative soul twin with skills of an animator

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Looking for a creative soul twin with skills of an animator

I am looking for an AWESOME kick ass person/ a team to work on an animated series with. I am a writer. The project needs an artist who will work on characters development and animation.

It is entirely ´from scratch´ project, looking for someone who is ready to work on it without initial financial resources. BUT our goal number 1 is finding those in large quantities ASAP (!!!) (ideally within a month) for an independent production. With the script and some art work we will be reaching out for sponsors, fundraising,  getting grants, etc. Most of these things I will take on myself but will greatly appreciate a wealthy mindset that will add up to accumulating resources ideas.

The biggest requirement is falling in love with the universe of the show and being passionate about the whole process of creation. *All the ideas are channeled through the third eye, cannot miss it* It is mostly about that click between individuals that will make the whole process fire up, looking for a creative soul twin with skills of an animator=) 

It is a show with some similarities to Family guy in terms of rhythm of jokes, Rick and Morty with its interdimesnional mapping, and South Park´s ´deep shit´, though it is more drawn to the topic of spirituality (the main character is a kid who interacts with other dimensions, reflecting on ´that yogi stuff´). Lots of sick humour, keeping it classy and smart. Infinite field for an infinity more of twisted humour.

I will share more about the idea with those who might be interested to see if we click =)

These are about 20 min episodes, 10-12 episodes in season 1

You can also shoot me an email at podol1992@gmail.com or inbox on FB (Tash Candela)