How much information to include in a layout?

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How much information to include in a layout?

Hi there!
I am a 2D animator doing a layout for a project, with backgrounds, overlaps. It is basically a beach landscape in which a woman re-encounters a friend, she lifts her camera to take a pic of him, when she puts it down he is looking older, and it is him taking a pic of her and the flash that follows.
I am trying to fit all that in a single layout but I find it is too much... Like a lot of information, with ins and outs and arrows, and zooms in..
So I have a question, how much info should I include in one single layout so that it is not confusing for the person who has to use it? Or in other words, when is a lot of information in a layout too much? Is there a rule of thumb to do this?
The thing is that I am thinking of creating two layouts instead of one, although the whole situation happens in the same place and time, and it is from the same point of view. But if the 'recording camera' (or is there a better term for this?) changes to a different angle, can I split this layout composition into two and would that be okay?
Are there any rules about this?

Thank you so mich :)