Home Video Wall Content Creation

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Home Video Wall Content Creation

Hello all,

I am an Audio Visual installer and have had the pleasure of installing a large video wall in my clients basement. The video wall consists of 48 x 47" televisions so is quite an impressive display! It is driven by a very poweful media server that is capable of up to 3 simultaneous 4K streams being displayed at once by splitting the whole screen layout into 3 x 16:9 sections. 

The basement itself is what can only be described as a very large scale man cave with a two lane bowling alley, DJ booth, Gym, Bar and Sports area. What my client is now looking for is to get some custom content created for the wall to really show it off as there is no content available in its entire format of 48:9. 

I understand that this is a very unordinary request as it is simply for personal entertainment with no marketing value attached but am sure it would be rewarding for whoever was willing to take on the task.

We are completely open to ideas about the content itself as it has no design criteria as such.

If this project appeals to anyone out there then please get in touch! We would also appreciate any creative input as to what may be good to have created? (I.e If you had a house with a 48:9 video wall, what content would you put on there

I look forward to hearing some ideas!

Jon S