Hello, I'm working on a cartoon website that I want to contain 2-4 minute animations of little stories/skits of characters me and my collaborators have created. I am unable to afford to pay an animator right now but if you are willing to put in the work and help me out I intend on growing this website and advertising as much as I can once everything is set up and the animations are ready.
I have incredibly big goals for this website and would be extremely grateful for any help. I'm a cartoonist will provide all the character designs, background designs, and voice wav files for the animations. I'm just looking for any type of animation, it could be as simple as South Park style, just something where the characters can move and come to life. If you are interested and as excited as me about this opportunity I think this could have potential to be big and I'd love to take you along with me!
Here is what the site looks like now: www.thekidtoons.com
If you are interested please email: tomburke1321@gmail.com
Please include links to your animations. I hope to hear from you soon!