Dear Animators,
My name is Ginger and I am a freshman in highschool. I have a project in one of my classes where I have to interview someone in my career path of choice. As you may have guessed, I would like to be an animator so if anyone is able to let me interview them that would be greatly appreciated.
(I would prefer for you to email me but just answering the questions may be okay)
Contact Information:
Career Decision:
1. Describe the squence of events that led to you choosing this line of work?
2. Were there any strong influences in your life that led you to this decision?
3. Was this your career path during highschool?
4. Are you happy that you decided to follow this carreer path?
Skills, Education, and Training
1. Process of education and training for animation? How many years did it take, what were the courses, was the training worth it, possible stories?
2. Top 5 skills that you have learned because of this training?
3. During your education did you ever regret taking it?
Job Activities and Satisfaction
1. Describe an average day at your job. (ie. hours, breka times, interactions with co-workers, daily tasks, etc...)
2. If there was one thing you would change about your job what would you change?
3. Are there benefits of this job? Explain.
4. (2D animators) Do you ever get tired of drawing?
5. What is your best experience with this carrer?
Working Conditions and Expectations
1. Do you enjoy your workplace environment? Why or why not?
2. Do you work independently? If not what's it like to work in a group?
3. Does your work hav ea union? Explain the role of the union.
4. What's it like to have so many viewers judging the quality of your work?
5. What are the expectations of your work?
Very useful information. It's a pity I saw her late, I was asked similar questions when I handed over the project in college. I applied to an elite university and I often went to a site that offered college application essay writing, I used for this. Because there were a lot of tasks. I could not cope with all this, I had to use outside help.