Richard Dixon
Hi to readers of Animation World .
Would like to introduce my work to you.....for the past thirty years been a professional photographer in the Toy Industry and Children' Book Publishing in the UK . I have always loved animation and carried out some humble efforts at it in my spare time over the years .
While doing some work with Panini Comics in the UK under their MARVEL COMICS UK brand I created fifteen photo story adventures for HASBRO TOYS .....for ACTION MAN some years ago which were very successful with over half a million comic magazines sold .
I always thought that the format could be taken further with a totally original I started SEASTAR 5 .
Two years ago , I started work this personal project made in Digital Art / Photography / Model Animation to create a concept adventure story and illustrate it using these techniques .
Today the project has reached a small milestone in having been seen by over 47,000 people . Now with six photo story episodes completed , two more in production and a fully animated preview trailer heading towards You Tube later this year I thought it was time to place it in front of you all on Animation World Magazine .
The project is called SEASTAR 5 INVADERS FROM THE ABYSS . Written and created by myself using specially made miniatures and sets designed in my Studio in England .
I chose the format of a photo story style to illustrate this project because it was the most inexpensive way of getting it made . To start out with a full eight episode animation series to be made by one person with eight half hour length programmes was just too expensive . In England , getting funds to do one is very hard , to do eight is nigh impossible !
So I have created the concept story using the materials I understand and have worked with over the last thirty years to get the job done in a reasonable length of time . Its still not been easy , but the project has been made along side my normal Toy industry work and so far I have achieved what I set out to do .
Please take a look at my web site Richard Dixon TPD Studios Lancashire England if you have a liitle time . The first six episodes for this underwater based science fiction adventure are available for free public viewing without advertisements !!
Would love to know what you all think about it.....good or bad problem.....would appreciate opinions.....
Thanks for taking the time to read about my story about a super submarine in the oceans of the 21st Century .
Richard Dixon....TPD STUDIOS - ENGLAND - UK .
Here's an update for my
Here's an update for my Children's Story Concept SEASTAR 5 INVADERS FROM THE ABYSS. The original model animation series concept was finished in a new version inspired by the original has been written and is coming out in 2023 . This time its a Children's StoryBook Edition ....completely illustrated in a Supermation RetroArt Format....three books in 2023....and three more in 2024 . It will release on Amazon Kindle with the first edition at the end of January.....2023......more details and images on my website now ....check out the fantastic images at RICHARD DIXON TPD STUDIOS.....the storybook release , available as a down load initially is going to be something to view....please contact my studio if you would like a press pack sending over to you ....Richard Dixon TPD STUDIOS UK .
SEASTAR 5 IS GO.....Here's
SEASTAR 5 IS GO.....Here's and update for you all on my Children's Sci-Fi undersea saga . A six storybook series of action and adventure at the bottom of the sea . This version , now suitable for younger children as well as adults takes us on a journey across Pacific Islands to the deepest Trench in the Pacific Ocean . Created by myself at my studio in the north west of England over a two year period the storybook version of SEASTAR 5 launches on Amazon Kindle on the 24th February with the first storybook in the series titled "Strange Encounter" . The first book covers the begining of my creation....two further books this year will take the reader to incredible adventure as we dive deep with the super submarine "SEASTAR 5" and its international crew of Aquanauts into the undersea world of the 21st Century . Where an Alien force has returned from the stars to the Earth it left millennia ago....this time not only does it wish to take its Kingdom of Lemuria back under its wants the surface world of our planet as well.....SEASTAR 5 INVADERS FROM THE ABYSS is go.....check out the new video on YouTube now which promotes the series...just search "SEASTAR 5 INVADERS FROM THE ABYSS.....RICHARD DIXON " be amazed at how this new childrens sci-fi adventure looks in Supermation RetroArt Images......Thanks for reading this post . Richard Dixon TPD STUDIOS ENGLAND .
Well its Friday 24 February
Well its Friday 24 February England .....and my Children's illustrated storybook project of six books , gets its first book release on Amazon Kindle.....a brochure about the series has been sent to the Editor of Animation World.....they don't really do books on here if they are not connected to a film / TV show....but you never know they might mention it in the news page.......anyway the first book is out for the public to buy.....check out Amazon Kindle for "RICHARD DIXON'S ....SEASTAR 5 INVADERS FROM THE ABYSS "....the first called " STRANGE ENCOUNTER" will set up the undersea adventure saga.....two more books this year will take the reader further into the undersea world of the Pacific Ocean for sci-fi action adventure in an animation style that you need to see......will keep you all posted on how things go with this .....Thanks for reading this....Richard Dixon TPD STUDIOS UK .