"Time of the Blackened Sun": Animated Music Video

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"Time of the Blackened Sun": Animated Music Video

Time  of the Blackened Sun  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwxCTM9Vbqc&spfreload=5

Hi Everyone,

It is great to be posting here.  This is my first animated music video that I have done for an awesome Canadian band Morning Fame.  
It's been quite empowering for me to do this video, as the music inspired me to have faith in myself and God.  Working on the different scenes in the narrative reminded me to be more brave and stand up for what I want.  Yup, its' amazing when a commission work has that bonus effect on you :)
The band lead Alan was great to work with.  He was open to my creative ideas ( like introducing the female warriors to the concept ) and for me it was great to implement his keen concepts and insight.   Truly great collaborative process. 

Really appreciate you clicking on the link, taking a look and listen, and look forward to your comments.     



Edited by: GAYA on 12/24/2016 - 7:23am