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new project needs a little help please

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new project needs a little help please

:) Hey everybody!!

  It's my first time here and already I have questions...

  Ok. I'm making an animated film that takes place in the 1960s. I'm in the early stages of rough-drafting it. And so far I have been using a program called Plotagon. I love the way the characters look. But Plotagon has a lot of issues. Chief among them being that you can only put two characters in a scene at once. Also. I need my characters to be able to sing and some of them need to be able to play instruments. No way to do that with Plotagon...yet!

   Another thing about this is that I need clothing and sets that are very very vintage and a lot of the sets for plotagon is ultra-modeern!

  Would like to keep using Plotagon if possible. But need to maybe supplant it. Have tried both Moviestorm and Muvizu Play. Moviestorm has problems importing things as well as not having a right kind of content. And no offense to anyone who used it because their sets are fabulous. But the characters look like bobbleheads! And I don't want that!

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


Raven :)

Is Blender an option?

Is Blender an option?

RE project needs help...


  Believe it or not I have had no end of problems with Blender! Like when I import things into it then they don't show up at all! 

  I can use Plotagon forparts of the film. But need other animation software to go along with it. Either that or a way to add objects into the videos that i make....specifically a third, fourth and fiffth person etc etc etc...

This is the protagonist from my film:

   That's JD. He was "born"in Plotagon.  

   I'm sort of able create scenes with more than two characters. But it's kind of complicated. Because I have to load the scene and arrange the first two characters. Screenshot it and save it in MS Paint. Open it in Photoshop and copy and paste additional characters in.

   Believe it or not I might need something with preloaded characters and scenes that I can adjust and import things least for now...

  Either that or a way to add people and objects into videos after they are made

   Eventually I'm going to be taking classes in animation from AIE {Academy Of Interactive Entertainment}. But any ideas til then??

Get back to me on this please.


RAven :)