I'm a Delphi/C++ programmer.
I'm working on an application called "Animated Jpeg Maker". With it you can make transparent jpeg animations. You can even view them as transparent windows directly on desktop.
Here is a simple (Windows) viewer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByKxAD_t9uvLT2dZd2xCTlB3SEE
You can load the animation by using <<AjpegViewer.exe "path_to_animation">> (without <<>>) or <<AjpegViewer.exe -window "path_to_animation">> if you just want a normal view window instead of the transparent.
Or you can just double click on the animation and select AjpegViewer.exe to open.
The view window can be moved with mouse when you click in any area and can be closed with Escape.
And here is a folder with animations: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByKxAD_t9uvLbTk5MzBFTUtzSWs
Some are made by me, some were imported from video files.
I hope you like them...
Improved the player a bit:
- when you click on the window to move it the animation is no longer freezing for a split second;
- you can now move the window in any part of the screen (previously you couldn't move it above screen - Windows limitation);
- you can change the size with +, - and 0;
- in normal window mode you can resize the window with mouse but keeping the Aspect Ratio;
- if the animation is bigger than screen it will be resized so it will fit;
- you can change the speed of the animation between 0.25x..4x with [ and ]
- if you press F the window will be set to maximum size possible (screen size). If the animation and your computer screen have the same aspect ratio it will be fullscreen;
And added 4 HD animations with rain drops on a transparent window.