Animation Portfolio Workshop New Website

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Animation Portfolio Workshop New Website

We have recently upgraded our website with a new look and a number of new items to enjoy including the 2016 Portfolio Workshop Summer Intensive Program for Canadian and International students alike, a new Testimonials Page containing comments from recent APW grads who are currently attending animation school as well as former APW students who are now professionals in the industry, and, we have upgraded our Portfolio Page with a number of wonderful new animation school portfolios from our recent and past APW graduates

Please stop by and have a look:

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Happy Drawing!


APW Boot Camp Sessions

APW Boot Camp Sessions

We've recently augmented our offerings by adding the APW Boot Camp Sessions...and I'd like to share some info about it with you.

The APW Boot Camp is all about animation and learning how to design and draw characters. We've borrowed specific lessons from our highly successful Animation Portfolio Workshop program and crafted them into very intensive 5 day drawing workouts. We maintain a ratio of 1 instructor to 12 students so that we can focus on the needs of each individual in the class. This course is not a replacement for our regular portfolio program (you will not have a portfolio at the end of the week) but it does provide a solid intro to characters and animation as well as provide the student who is just starting out with a real taste of what's involved in mastering the fundamentals of creating basic animations and character designs. 

It's a real workout!

Please visit the Boot Camp page for info on upcoming sessions:

It's good to be back posting here again...

Happy Drawing!!