Can Anyone Help Me With A Few Things?

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Can Anyone Help Me With A Few Things?

Firstly, I just want to say, that I like animating I get the whole concept behind it. I use PhotoShop CC and Adobe After Effects, to do the animating. (I dont know if these are good programs or not) I also just bought myself a little wabcom pen and touch its great, but still harder to use then a pencil and paper if you know what I mean. So anyway I had some questions, I like to draw anime, and I know anime is literally the same as any other animations, just the drawing style is different, I was wondering if any of you may have skype or something to help me out? I need help like how to draw perspectives, and such for like backgrounds, or the body size to the image, or even the actual like srquence of a character looking as if they fighting or etc. Would be really greatl appreciated, if you could skype me : dakotawhyte

Or just comment back on here! thanks