Hello there! I'm studying digital audio production and will be done with my B.Sc in about two weeks. During my time studying I've interned at a high profile studio and worked on high profile TV-shows I Sweden. I've also worked a bit for a second kinda semi-high profile studio and have in face been able to score a job there when I'm finished with uni.
Here's the thing, it's only a part time job so I have a lot of free time and I want to use this time to do something productive.
If you (the person reading this) have a project that you want help with then just write to me ( fredrik.bredemo(at)gmail(dot)com )
Here is some old projects as a reference.
https://vimeo.com/96922651 - School project.
https://youtu.be/KQVZv4FGvdU - Collab with a guy I found here.
https://youtu.be/G8P6-NZaIfQ - School project.