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New Animator Shamelessly Begs for Pointers! Read All About it!

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New Animator Shamelessly Begs for Pointers! Read All About it!

Hello all,

I've begun trying my hand at cartoon animation, an endeavor that I am pursuing despite my lack of artistic training or, frankly, even ability to even write my name legibly. The voices of Reasonable Doubt have discouraged me, but I shouted defiance at them and bought a drawing tablet. So I am here, imploring any and all to take a gander at my attempts to be an animator. I’d certainly appreciate what pointers and criticism you’d be willing to dole out, dear reader.

I’ve created two very short pieces thus far. The second shows marked improvement over the first, but obviously I a very long way to go.

Thank you for your time.

Cartoon #1 (~30secs):

Cartoon #2 (~1min):


WormDads's picture
Aspiring animators trying to make it in this world without any training or talent. It's been rough. Check out our most recent video (NSFW):

Aspiring animators trying to make it in this world without any training or talent. It's been rough. Check out our most recent video (NSFW):