Hi guys,
I am Matthew and I am currently doing Creative Media at Teignmouth Community School. I have made my first animation which I would like to share with you. Please can you fill in my questionarrie about the animation which I have made to allow me to gather feedback and to also help me improve my animation. The links will be shown below and thank you again.
Questionarrie: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-g3p7tolCAZbAmHDgZqWJlsp8GTJ8Sd8LinTMxgFQKk/viewform
YouTube animation link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTJD8c2NOD0
From Matt
Your questionnaire will not help you improve your animation, what is needed is for you to keep working at drawing. There are basic animation exercises that you should look into. Drawing the exercises or going start to stopmotion, will give you a better understand for the art. Best of luck.
I agree that the questionnaire will not help much to improve your animation. Practice, practice, practice is what your need.
In my opinion: The pacing of your titles and credits was painfully slow. And the cutout characters are almost overly simplistic. Overall I thought your telling of the story wa pretty good, as it want along with the song you chose pretty well.
Basically all you need is a lot more practice to further develop your style and technique.
yes I think is that Quistionaire wont "much help"..but at least it helps.........so I think it's also necessary to review ur movie
ohh btw talking about feed back I think I need Feedback from all of you,,yes it's my 1st movie https://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=AcLlImfB0mo