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What is the fastest way to learn to properly draw for appealing flash animation?

What is the fastest way to learn to properly draw for appealing flash animation? Now I don't want to come off as lazy or anything but I literally only have 4 hours free at best! Each day because of the nature of my job I start early, finish late and thus must sleep early, so I want to make every minute count. Recently I had a surge of inspiration to go further in animation after seeing the success of cyanide and happy ness, based on personal experience I can assume that they make several thousand dollars at least for each new video they post on YouTube, so now I have motive behind an already existent dream of becoming a decent animator. Anyway, I have a surplus of scripts and a few storyboards even, problem is my ability to draw, I discovered in my current project that my style is horrible as I was over using symbols and in general doing everything wrong, the reason being I was using the flash paint brush tool to draw lines as if drawn with pen on paper, I was carefully drawing everything and selectively smootyi everything, puzzled at how the pros are able to get the looks they do, since surely they don't just build individual vectors to look like flashes brush strokes, but apparently they do, they also use the pencil tool which as it turns out solved most of my issues, I can now draw much more efficiently. The new issue is that I'm not very good at drawing in general, and that's something side like to ange as fast as possible. Can anyone recommend to me the fastest Method for learning to draw relevant and restricted mainly to flash? I want to learn to draw bodies better and to better proportions, both comically and realistic, and also faces, I noticed in the show triptank, flash segments, used maybe 1-3 different images per second for their lipsyncing and it worked perfectly. So, can anyone recommend me a place, book or otherwise, anything to help me quickly learn to draw in a styl that works best with flash? I know that all the methods take time, I'm just asking for the method and style that takes the least amount of time. Also, on a side note I'm considering buying a graphics tablet since my screen less multimedia tab let doesn't seem to offer the same ease of drawing associated with pen on paper, I wanted to know, in tablets like the wacom bamboo tablets ihink they are called, is the end product just like if you were drawing on paper? In that what you are going for is as close to as what you get? I find that with then mouse I rarely get what I'm trying accomplish, and although more often, not looking at my hands while drawing is still quite not much better