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"Throw-back"2D Feature Film at Kickstarter

By Miracle | Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 9:10pm

Miracle Mouse, Cranky's Miracle is the thread to follow, and it just opened at, Amazon's successful fund-raising web site.
Our miracle Mouse project was started as a labor of love back in 2004. We have made very slow but steady progress on the film and we are coming to Burbank to Kick-off this Kickstarter campaign this Friday through Sunday.
I hope everyone who has ever wised for the return of 2D classic hand-drawn films, will please view the content on Kickstarter and if you wish to comment on what you are seeing, or if you have any questions, we will monitor this AWN forum thread read your comments and questions.
Our hope is to do our small part to try to help re-energize this great, but now, out of favor, American feature movie art form.
Tom Hignite
Miracle studios
Richfield Wisconsin

Miracle's picture
Submitted by Miracle on

Dear AWN forumers,
As I can see by over 500 readers of this thread's posts, animation lovers are seeing our Kickstarter campaign, but alas, very few animation enthusiasts seem to be finding the dollars available to support this 2D project.
I could "guess" that perhaps our dollar number is just too high of a goal, so many of you are not wanting to hop-aboard a campaign that does not look like it is going to make it's goal.
I could "guess" that maybe some of you do not really have any interest in seeing this particular project be made.
I could "guess" that maybe folks are just to tight with their money since the Christmas season is upon us.
I could "guess" that maybe some folks are no longer interested in seeing 2D return to theatres and the computer age has truley taken over animation.
Maybe our Kickstarter site was just not appealing, or ...I just don't know.
At any rate, we will be taking the site down this Weekend and , if we can figure out where we went wrong, maybe we will return in a month or two to try again on Kickstarter. Then again.....
I would surely appreciate any feed-back which you may share about just why more animation enthusiasts did not care to support this campaign. Your honesty could only help in aiding us for our move to try to bring-back 2D.

Tom Hignite

mira gamal's picture
Submitted by mira gamal on

Miracle's picture
Submitted by Miracle on

Hello AWN forum readers,
I always hear that everyone wants to see 2D make a return to the feature movie mainstream. This is not,seemingly, the feeling of big animation studio decision makers, so if you disagree with them, let your voice be heard. Our Miracle Mouse -Cranky's Miracle project is trying to do just that. We have been up on the site for a little over one week, but so far, the message we are getting from all of you is not overwhelmingly expressing the idea that there is a pent-up desire in the animation community to bring back 2D.

As a member of the animation community, if you really want to see 2D features return, this is your time to say so by making a statement with your contribution. Maybe the subject matter of this film is not your "ideal" cup of tea or perhaps you can not afford to make a great monetary contribution during these tough economic times. 2D movies of any "cup of tea" can 0only help ALL 2D to move forward. Even a $10 donation(about 2.5 gallons of gas today) can make a substantial difference. If the hundreds(or thousands) of artists who read this forum would band together to support your art you can make a difference.

The next time someone comes to this forum and asks where all the 2D jobs have gone, or why no one is making 2D features any more, I hope the answer is not that it is becuase no one(including the artists) really care to see 2D return.

Now is the time to support YOUR 2D future.

Tom Hignite