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Studio 4C's anime webseries Peace.Eco.Smile

By flipadomp | Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at 12:58pm

Hey guys, check out this new anime webseries released by Studio 4C. It's called "PES." The first episode is only three minutes but I think they will be releasing more soon. The love story and characters are pretty cute, and I think the animation is really lovely - it is Studio 4C after all! They did that cool short film "Kid's Story" for the Animatrix, remember that one?

Anyway, what do you guys think of PES's animation? Do you like all the pretty colours? Hehe :D I think it's a lovely piece of animation.

You can watch the first episode here . What do you guys think?

Garamond's picture
Submitted by Garamond on

I really liked this animation. Thanks for sharing.

I am a Turkish film director and have a 2d animation project to make.

How can I contact your studio's manager?


emilyworker's picture

It is a very interesting animation ,and the color is very beautiful .
i think that it is a great work.

Happy life can't apply colours to a drawing of the render farm !

artfx's picture
Submitted by artfx on

Studio 4C has no shortage of talent, that's for sure. Kid's Story was one of my favorites from the Animatrix anthology.