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B'ini Sketchbook 2010

By b'ini | Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 11:29am

Had some time today so I thought I'd upload some figure drawing and character sketches. This year I have a few goals:

1. want to focus on anatomy in the hopes of improving my life drawing
2. I want to work on my character design.
3. Transpose this into animation - like have a character take the pose from figure drawing, etc.

I have figure drawing once a week and will try to draw everyday either from life of from a book. I used to shy away from copying other people's work but there's so much to learn from them it's no longer verboten. Also hope to go to a museum once a month.

I uploaded my shots into Flickr, hope they transfer easily.

b'ini's picture
Submitted by b'ini on

This semester of figure drawing, I'm going to stick with markers. I like using light marker to block out the shape and then dark marker to go over the line. Somehow it lets me stay looser than working with pencil. Discovered Copic markers that have a brush tip that I enjoy. Need to stick an extra sheet of paper under my work as it bleeds through.