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The Pain and Heartbreak of Asteroids

By tedtoons | Monday, January 11, 2010 at 10:20am

Ted Nunes -

Have been in a mood for claymation lately, so I started dorking around with a simple project this weekend:


It's clay over a superball "armature" (to give you a sense of the scale.) Textured with a toothpick. This is one of the few times that something came out almost exactly as I imagined it. There is a hiccup in the rotation, though. Hoping to cure it by fiddling with the keyframe spacing (rather than reshooting it.)

Also, here's a little star business from last week.

tedtoons's picture
Ted Nunes -

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Are those ball on their own layer?

tedtoons's picture
Submitted by tedtoons on

Yes, I put it together in Flash. The base movie clip contains the original rotation sequence: 30 images of the asteroid as it turns around. Then I dragged three instances of that asteroid, each on its own layer and tweened the scaling and position to create the zooms.

Ted Nunes -