The French internet portal canalj put some of the animated "Rudolf" shorts online, a project which I have been fortunate enough to work on since early last year. Production is still ongoing and there are eleven episodes online so far (of a total of fifty-two which will be delivered until summer this year.)
Even though it's a French site, everyone should be able to navigate it easily with the link provided. The shorts themselves don't have any actual language, only pantomime and easily comprehensible 'gibberish'.
Some episodes animated in-house here in Cologne I'd like to draw attention to are:
Ça chauffe chez les Pingouins (animated by my collegaue Leonard Ward)
Dino Parano (also by Mr Ward)
Dracu'lail (by my colleague Aleksandar Djokic)
Unfortunately, I haven't done extensive animation on the earlier episodes, but one of the earliest completed you can find online, Gare au Gorille! (animated by Tim Trenson), was cleaned up and put together digitally almost entirely by me.
I watched a few of them, they're pretty funny, especially Dino Parano, there was just something about that one that made me laugh out load a few times. Good quality in the animation and the character designs are fun, and I really enjoy how Rudolph's walk cycle fits his design instead of trying to make it a more standard one, it gives his character more life. I'm going to go back and watch the rest when I have more time. Thanks for sharing!
That is some nice work. Thanks for the link.
Here are some more scenes from various episodes, all of which I animated myself this time:
Great links and the Animations are cool too, Funny characters.
Have a good weekend,
Dismas and GrissyG