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Gouache. Is it still used?

By Zaiya | Monday, July 27, 2009 at 1:26am

Hey, everyone.

I'll be going into my first year at Sheridan's animation program. I was just wondering, Is the industry still using Gouache or is it all done digitally.
I'm asking because at Sheridan we still use gouache paint.
Don't get me wrong, they do things digitally here too but they also have us use gouache.

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

If the computer breaks down, the deadline still remains.
The artist should be able to pick up a brush and paint a background using traditional wet-media.

THAT is why they train you to use gouache.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Zaiya's picture
Submitted by Zaiya on

oh ok. Good to know. I knew there was a reason for us still using it.

I was asking because I know a lot of other animation schools who don't teach gouache painting anymore. I remember asking a school if they did do traditional gouache paintings when I was applying to different places and they said that the industry has gone digital and there was no use for it anymore.