Animated Life
We're a cartoon & entertainment company in the KSA, and we've have been planning for our first 2D feature film for a long time, and searching for the right studio to do the complete production.
The film is very supported by the local media and will be the first of its kind in the whole region, as we're planning for more films in future, this can be a long term cooperation.
If this can reach to an agreement and the project can be achieved, please contact us anytime (Email & MSN Messenger: Thank you,
Kindest regards,
this is your fourth of fifth thread of a similar nature. not sure why you keep reposting the same thing.
are you not getting the response you seek or are the animation producers contacting you not good enough?
ideally if you are working on a feature and have the budget it would be better if you spend say 2 weeks just going and meeting people at their studios in India/SE Asia. it will cost you maybe 5000-6000 USD and will get you a better response.
or is this just some sort of weird way of getting kicks?
Hello skinnylizard,
Yes, I've posted couple of threads before, and as our project is developing we're finding the right plan in order to accomplish our project. And to everyone, I apologize if there's any interruptions,
The fact is, yes we've had contacts but most of the them were individuals or freelancers, or badly.. studios with weak abilities,
This post in particular is to find "real good" studio that can deliver high quality feature films with classical animation style, as it's our final plan and we're about to start very soon. And what you suggested is a good call actually, yes eventually we'll have to go there and meet them in person, but first we wanted to gather good information and point at couple of studios that can be the target.
Thank you for your comment,
Animated Life
Snap Animation Studio
Let us know if we can be any help of yours . We will make it out in your own budget.
this whole approach is an exercise in futility. you will have a bunch of people promising you their services.
a better idea would be to just list studios and go and visit them. plain and simple. there cant be that many studios that can deliver a feature project.
there are a few in India i know i can put you on to. you should also look at South Korea if your budget permits.
Another way to go about it is to take several animated features that you want the quality of your movie to equal and look in the credits at what studios animated them. Then contact those studios. That way you know the quality that they are capable of producing. Good luck.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Try Yowza in Toronto. They have feature experience on Warner Bros and Disney films and they are a respected and skilled bunch of people.
Bright Beacon Studio
We are animation and multimedia studio in Thailand.
We welcome outsource project in animation and also multimedia
flash game, e-learning project with cost effective.
For 2D animation flash style we charge 5-50 $US per second.
And we also provide 3d animation service in 10 - 150 $us per second,
price varies by quality.
For 2d and 3d film quality please contact us.
For more information you can e-mail me
we are interested
Sub:Request for Animation Project
I'm Amitava Sengupta from ANIWAY- animation production studio, Kolkata ,India.
We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the leading Concern providing Animated TV Series / Film, Animated Music Video Etc.
It will be our ultimate pleasure to provide our services to you / your company.
We are having business relation with different companies in home and abroad all the time, such as IRELAND, GERMANY and ROMANIA with long-term agreement. We have formed a very happy and good cooperation with each other for a long time.
Our highly qualified team can provide you skill outsource with a surprisingly lower price. If you have any Animation film project / Animation TV series Project to outsource please keep us in your mind, Even we are ready to go long term agreement.
I'm always here, EAGERLY waiting for you!
With Regards,
Amitava Sengupta
Marketing Manager, ANIWAY
Plz. visit us:
Hoorakhsh studio
We are 2D & 3D animation studio in iran and we are ready to start your project.please visite our website to see our abilityes.