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iSneeze - animation I did for an iPhone app

By tedtoons | Friday, April 17, 2009 at 4:46pm

Ted Nunes -

This is not my proudest moment; kind of gross (but kind of fun). I just animated a booger for an iPhone app!

Demo at

Search for iSneeze in the iTunes store.

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Ted Nunes -

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Submitted by tedtoons on

Just thought I'd share this. We did this silly iPhone app as a learning project. It's a dumb, gross little trifle and I knew it wasn't going to make much of a splash but it was fun to do and the programmer got his feet wet with the code. It has had a handful of downloads each week, but we figured it would fade quietly into the woodwork.

Then this morning my buddy who I'm doing these things with called me to say that he had heard that Jimmy Fallon had talked about our app on one of his segments. (neither of us had seen the show.) We suddenly got very excited, so by the time NBC finally posted the episode online we were pretty worked up. Jimmy was going to be our Oprah.

Then when the show finally got posted, it turns out that in his iPhone segment he starts by showing off a real app, then goes into a comedy bit with some made-up "spoof" apps. Their "iSneeze" was just a comedy bit. Not our dumb little booger. Kind of a downer, but he did have the name iSneeze up on a giant monitor behind him, so we're still sort of excited to see what (if any) effect that will have on our hits. (I'll report back and let you know.)

BTW, the next game is going to much more involved and fun; full of cartoony action. (more on that soon.)

Ted Nunes -