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Subver logo animation - A Work in Progress

By NHansen | Friday, November 28, 2008 at 2:17pm

I haven't posted much, but I will share with you my latest WIP: my title animation for my personal website (
Anyway, here it is so far, what do you think?
I still have more ideas, and some things I'd like to tweak, but it has come a long way since I started.
Any ideas, suggestions or critiques?
I'd love to hear what you guys think of it.
P.S. Subver is my personal site where I showcase my Illustrations, animations and designs.

NHansen's picture
Submitted by NHansen on

I think I might take out or change the 3 little pop/firework animations at the end.
I have this idea (and I did the animation already) of, when the skull hits the text, a rocket launches out, circles around the text, slams into the text and explodes into a mushroom cloud (I still need to finish some of it)

Or I may have the rocket launch when the shatter swipe (that reveals the white text) finished to the left, circling around the text and maybe hitting the skull and exploding into a mushroom cloud.

Not sure what I want to do yet, I just feel like something is missing... like it needs more doodley, hand drawn animations. I really like the rocket/missle idea and a mushroom cloud.

I want something to either happen in addition to all the main animations that are going on while the white text is being revealed, or an "after-shock" sort of thing (like those 3 pop*pop*pop animations at the end, maybe something to replace those, or add to them?)

Any ideas? I think it's really close to being "complete," but it just needs... something more.

NHansen's picture
Submitted by NHansen on

Maybe this sort of animation doesn't belong here (too digital)?
I'll try to post more traditional stuff soon.

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Your animation is fine, simple and to the point. I think you need to watch the file size, all of those other ideas are fine but the intro will be longer. You could make two or three of them and rotate.