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Any help would be appreciated

By juxsen | Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 11:00pm

Is there anyone would could point me towards the right direction as to where I can, or how I can search for any opportunities as far as jobs or freelance works goes?


Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Unfortunately, we can't.

You were not expecting that answer, I'll bet.

We can't because you have not provided enough information.
What's your general locale? North America? Europe? Asia?
What's your forte'? Storyboards? Animation? Design? Games? 2D? 3D? Comics? Naked mud wrestling?
You a recent grad or have you been in the biz for a bit?
What's your skill level?
Do you have a lot of skill, or are you still having challenges with some stuff??

Without that info, the best answer you'll get is "keep trying" and " look for all the studios in your area and apply to them".
Not particularly helpful to you, I'm sure..........right?

There's no way to point you in the "right direction" because you've not provided anyone with enough info to to advise on any direction.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

juxsen's picture
Submitted by juxsen on

:p my bad... actually mud wrestling happens to be my forte :) but seriously, I live in St Paul MN... haven't been in this biz that long, just started couple of years of recently, and am self driven/taught at that.

Here is a link to some of my old work samples

I've all sorts of medium there... from storyboarding, animation, web-ad, cartoon character design to photo restoration

Hope that will be of little help as to how you can help... by the way many thanks Ken, and I appreciate any help you can give me out of your spare time :)

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Okay, NOW there's enough info to advise you with.

I'm going to supply advise based on the cartooning side of things, okay--photo-restoration is something I know zilch about.

There was another poster just a day or so ago who was asking about much the same thing--they had 20 years experience though.
My comments are going to be much the same with you......albeit directed toward what you can do.
First things, looking over your stuff, I see good and bad.....and weak.
You are skilled with the painting--you see to have a decent range of stuff.....but the execution of the work is weak in spots. quite a few characters have weak or bland structure. You need to really push that so not only are the shapes strong but the designs are clear and workable.
The Tiger facial expressions are a example of what I mean here.
Push the expressions to be stronger, at the same time making the designs work anatomically and structurally.
Do not just put lines down on the page, THINK about how those lines are meant to work on the forms even though those forms may not be clearly defined.
The shapes and lines you supply, in adherence to those underlying forms WILL define the structure of the character.

The tiger has a lot of blobby undefined shapes going on, and yet you took the time to draw in a tiger skull........something that is useless to have on the page, because the expressions to not conform to plausible structures that would take place on that skull.
Think design. Exploit designs to their fullest--I see LOTS of missed opportunities in your work.

The point of a crit like this is to get your work on track so that you and it become marketable and usable by your potential clients.
Right now, your work stands amongst a lot of other "amateurs" ( I hate the term, but it applies here) and its missing some of the required basic knowledge that will be looked for.
If you are having trouble finding work, its because your work is being overlooked because of these weaknesses. Compare your work with the stuff you are seeing coming out studios/clients, and then make your work like that.

I cannot fault your presentation on the pages, but like any other kind of fancy wrapping paper, its no good if what's inside is not something really great.
Outside of that, nothing on the page, aside from the colouring and presentation--nothing stands out. You done anatomy, perspective etc.....but nothing jazzes my eye--nothing is different.
For example, The "childrenbookcover" image shows a house in perspective, but its not an exceptionally interesting design, not anything terribly involved.
As an example of your perspective skill, its a weak sell of your abilities. Its not serving you as it should.
Sure THAT example may not have needed to be involved, but a reviewer of your work will not give a shit about that--they want to see your best.
Its a easy trap to fall in ( and I have fallen it many times myself) but all it takes it a new piece that showcases the extent of your abilities, not just the humdrum.

I know this is probably frustrating to hear, probably disheartening even.
Stick with it.
Ya gotta problem-solve your way through it, get your work up to a level where the studio/clients are seeing stuff they can use and then the work should come to you.
Everyone goes through this at some point, and how ( IF) you solve this, its the measure of your talent and time in the craft and biz.

Good luck.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

juxsen's picture
Submitted by juxsen on

Ken: Thank you very much for your input, I'm and will ...improve on those ...which isn't that big of a hurdle... besides whatever you see on that gallery mostly are rather half hazed incomplete stuff... nevertheless what you say is true

Anyways, apart from your constructive criticism I'm afraid that wasn't much help... when in fact I was hoping to get some information as to where I can go ...which sites I can try out in order to find some viable opportunities...

You may say well you won't fair well nor will you get any... but that's my problem whether I get it or not right... all I'm saying is I'd just like to try, and a resourceful information as to where I could look for would be of great help... the honest truth is I'm very clueless as to where to look for


Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Anyways, apart from your constructive criticism I'm afraid that wasn't much help... when in fact I was hoping to get some information as to where I can go ...which sites I can try out in order to find some viable opportunities...

AWN has a studio resource list ( Animation Industry Database--accessible on the main page) and there's other animation sites that AWN links to that also have similar lists. Combine that with lists of 3D Game studios, ad agencies and other potential employers that are not that hard to find.
Honestly, finding that kind of info is the easiest part of all this.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

juxsen's picture
Submitted by juxsen on

Thanks Ken, but I've to say you lost me there... where exactly am I looking at in the main page ...I don't see anything with that information... would really appreciate if you could break it down for me of the process or if you could past the link... again thousand apologies

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Main page of
Left yellow sidebar.

Scroll down to Resources
Click on AIDB - Animation Industry Database


"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

juxsen's picture
Submitted by juxsen on

Ken: I can't thank you enough, yet that's about all I can do for now... so many a thanks mate, karma do you a favor ;)