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The Animation Industry in the UK and Europe

i have finished a degree in traditional animation (mainly stop motion) 1 year ago and i am trying to get a relevant job in the uk. i just wanted to ask if there is anyone out here who could maybe give me some advise on how to get into the industry. i have been doing all the experience for free, runner etc but there doesn't seem like there is much going on at the moment.

i am also considering retraining in a 3d program (i am trying some maya online tutorials but also thinking of doing a short course). how would you advise me on that? do you think there is more demand for computer animation?

also if anyone is in a similar situation feel free to let me know what your experience is so far...

skinnylizard's picture

try sending your CV across to someone like Prime Focus, they have a huge footprint and maybe you could get something from them?

trying to help..



No worries, I will also send my demos to the Utopiales festival coming up in France? Who knows they said it was opened to international?

So why not?

Thanks mate. :)

steve_masca's picture

Yes just as skinnylizard says... Prime Focus is the place for talented youngsters... send in your details will have HR get ion touch with you guys... however, you need to have some experience on a 3D platform both Maya and Max would be bonus and 2D added to that would be a super bonus... rgds


Thanks a lot for the help, ;) I only got the 2D Experience but not the 3D.

Bentos1's picture
Submitted by Bentos1 on

Penguin, though there'll always be a place for stop-motion (styles come in and out of fashion in advertising and if you're talking about the British animation industry you're really talking about advertising) but you're best bet for a living is to learn a 3D package.

I was a blue pencil and three tonnes of paper guy when I was at college but practically every penny I've made for a living has been from Flash.

Lots and lots of jobs in the games industry if you've got some 3D too.

Good luck.

penguin104's picture
Submitted by penguin104 on

Hello guys!
thanks for all the info.....
steve_masca thanks for leaving the email for prime focus. i will make sure to send you my reel when i have a bit of progress in maya! :) ( do you usually focus on how well people can work on the 3d program or do you think you would consider someone with good animation skills and average knowledge of the program?)
Bentos1, i thought that was the case, but its a bit sad to have someone in the industry confirm that you need to do computer animation in order to make some money!
Good luck to everyone who is just starting! i'd love to hear if anyone has any luck in their search!