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Jared's Radiohead Animated Video

By Jared Deal | Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 8:40am

Hey guys.... been a while since I've posted in here.
In case you haven't heard, there's a great contest
going on over at Aniboom. It's a contest to create
Radiohead's next ANIMATED video!
Here is my entry for the Radiohead "In Rainbows"
contest. Just in animatic stage right now, hopefully
I'll get to the next round so I can animate more, let
me know what you all think. & while your at it check
out some of the other great videos, here's mine...
click the link below...
It's like a star system for voting... but instead of
star icons, it's little bomb icons... ex) click the
1st bomb icon for crappy, click the 5th one for
awesome. These are located right under where you watch
the video. You can vote for as many as you like. I
think you need an account to vote, but it only takes
a few seconds to register) You can help decide Radioheads
next video!!! And even if you don't feel like voting, the
Aniboom site is a great place to network & communicate
with artists & animators alike from all over the globe, so
definitely check it out!

ShaolinWood's picture
Submitted by ShaolinWood on

Hey Jared, that was cool man!
Really nice flow and you got the character expressions and everything really well jacked!
So what happened to the little guy at the end? Bird food?
hehe no but seriously it's really good!

Jared Deal's picture
Submitted by Jared Deal on

thanx man!
figured i'd trail it off there a bit & let the viewer decide what happenes next. maybe he gets eaten, but who knows, maybe he gets flown off to this fantastical place, haha. thanx for the comment... only 3 days left... i'm getting excited!