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Illustrator wanting to get into animation

By NHansen | Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 1:17pm

I am a 22 year old Illustrator, and have wanted to get into animation my whole life.

I am torn between using (primarily):
Toon Boom (which product?)
Anime Studio Pro

I am also looking for good books. I hear 'The Animator's Survival Kit' is good.

Anyway, I really have no experience, other than some flash things, like this:

Also, you can see some of my artwork at (check out the sketchbooks)

What do you recommend as far as software?
I know flash pretty well, but would it be worth it to use Toon Boom or ASP?

ShaolinWood's picture
Submitted by ShaolinWood on

Hi Nicolas, I tried checking out your site, but I get a message "coming soon"
the design looks nice though :)

As far as software goes... I use a number of packages, but they al do different things, Flash is good for vector-based illustrations, and the onion skin function works well for cel animation.I haven't used Toonboom but heard its great.
The only issue with Flash is with tweening, it doesn't have motion blur (yes I know about the motion blur effect, but that's not the one...)
so if you have an item that shifts over time it jumps to accomodate the pixels = no smooth movement.
I don't know if toonboom has a fix for this.

I use Adobe After FX for my final animation. So I basically jump between those and Photoshop for other editing.

Hope this helps

GP Animations's picture

I like your style of drawing, they'd look awesome as animated cartoons. I have brief experience with Toon Boom, but I couldn't get used to the interface after using Flash for so long. I just saw in Computer Graphics World magazine that they introduced a new version that looks pretty elaborate though, so it might be worth your time in checking if there's a free trial version available.

MACH's picture
Submitted by MACH on

Yo you're drawings are pretty cool you can accomplish your dreams if you dont give up