Hey all. It's been a while since I posted anything, but I have been working hard on various art works and I wouldn't mind some feed back, so I figured you guys would be able to give me some advice.
Here is a character height chart for a story that I am working on called Gears
Reality is stranger than Fantasy
I like the direction of your characters. The logo needs to pop a bit more to read right. The values of the letters and the borders are to close together. The girl has a nice body, but her chest looks a bit displaced and perhaps slightly to small. You've drawn your large character in a wedge shape. To make him more of an impact I would say increase the size of the boots, most notably where the toes are...I think you'll get what you are after. Nice job and keep posting.
An ogre and his former captive. Done mostly cause I need work on angles and the such.
Reality is stranger than Fantasy