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Fat Man Pencil test, needs critisism!

I've got two days to finish this animation.
Here is my first rough pencil test, and it doesn't look right. I need some advise and critisism.
Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, You're my only hope!

SpaceFighter2000's picture

Thanks for the advice, it was a little late though. I turned it in, as is, and it was a failure. But Oh well, I'll try harder next time.

Animated Ape's picture

That's supposed to be a fat man? It looks pretty bad. It looks like it's a skinny guy wearing a big empty potato sack.

First off it that is supposed to be his belly, its hanging too far down. Fat people's bellies usually don't hang that far because there is the mass of pelvic area. So the skelletan's hips should be more at the bottom of the fat part instead of in the middle like you have it.

When he first reaches up and the belly comes up, the left edge of his belly almost passes his hip. This won't happen because the fat has mass. You are almost treating the fat body as a 1/3 filled water balloon. Fat has mass and weight.

Also you have volume issues. when he is reaching up everything grows longer. His feet still look planted flat on the ground, yet his head is almost twice as high as the begining. Also the bottom of his belly is almost at the same hight as when he was standing staight.

You would most likely get more out of drawing him in circles and ovals than drawing a stick figure skelleton and then drawing the fat over it. That way you are dealing with mass and weight of a fat man and not a skinny skelleton.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Ape's advice is the best you are going to get. I hope you take another stabe at your project.