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Several New Posts

By Larry L. | Wednesday, September 5, 2007 at 4:05pm


I have put up several new posts on blog....

One is an anticipation trick with firecrackers

The second is another chapter about Ward Kimball

The third is a birthday dedication to Squash McStretch with animation.

Thanks....just go here

Larry L.'s picture
Larry web site http://tooninst[URL=] [/URL]blog: [U] [/U] email:

Blair07's picture
Submitted by Blair07 on

Hey Larry!

I just had to write to say that I really enjoyed your blog (I do believe that most of my morning went to it, as well as sipping a couple of tasty chai teas:p ) As for the items I ecspecially liked, I really enjoyed the exploding can anitcipation demo and the Ward Kimball interviews. I can't believe that you actually met him! Wow, what an experience to have him as an instructor for a bit....I think that I am gong to have to geek out for a bit:p Also great sketches and renderings, animation, and last but not least happy birthday to Squash McStretch!