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Critique for series

Hey everybody-
A few months ago I was asked to create an original series for - So the idea we came up with was for a bunch of losers who stumble on a time machine - and they use it for all the wrong reasons. The name of the show is "Clock Suckers"

Anyways, we just finished the 3rd episode with a great response, and we've been signed for 5 more- But I'd really love some critique on the artwork/animation, etc- so I can try to improve the series and make it that much stronger.

Here are the links to the 3 episodes (Each one about 5-7 minutes long). The animation is somewhat limited due to my time restraints- But again, I'd love to hear what you think.

**There's some foul language here and there, so it's not safe for work-

Thanks in advance!

mikeparker's picture