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Yet another new kid!

16 year old wanna be animator


Hey all.
just found this incredible site via google search engine, ventured into the forums and joined :)

I guess i should start with a little introduction about myself.
so here it goes, i'm a 16 year old highschool sophomore living in florida. i've always wanted to make my own cartoons ever since i was really small, unfortunately due to lack of knowledge, money, resources etc.. the only cartoons i've created so far involve pens and post it note pads. I haven't until recently began to be very serious about my ambition to become a cartoon animator, and i hope to stick around here for awhile to get some inside knowledge from the fine animators here.


cartoonimator91's picture
16 year old wanna be animator

BrioCyrain's picture
Submitted by BrioCyrain on

Welcome, I am also a high schooler, and my goal is go to Japan to learn Japanese-style animation, but right now I am just going to pay people to do my animation.

Animation writer who loves...Animation!

wolfkat's picture
Submitted by wolfkat on

HI cartoonimator91

My name is jamell but you can call me wolfkat until your able to go to japan and
you can learn it here in the us with the How to Draw Manga Books as well as other Japanese animation Known as anime.

Here is there web site

good look fellow animator