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Going back to school...a little...maybe...

It looks like I might be going back to school (The thought terrifies me--I'm old! Sorta...). I'm looking at part time for now, possibly going full time for an MFA if 1) I like the program and 2) they let me in.

The program is in the Art+Design dept at NC State.

My question is: Does anyone have any experience/knowledge concerning this program?

I've been looking at this program for a while and got a lot of info from the web site, but it's hard to tell how useful the degree would be if teaching is not the goal or how this program is viewed in the industry (or if either of those things even matter).

We'll be in Raleigh for the year, so part time classes won't be too bad, but after that it'll be a 2-2.5 hour drive to the school. I'm looking at a lot of time and a lot of money and just want to make sure that both are well spent.
