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GED vs. low GPA to accompany ACT score of 29 for college applications?

I have a core GPA of 2.85. I scored a 29 on my first attempt at the ACT and will almost definitely score higher on the December test.

I'm wondering whether my relatively low core will be looked at as more negative than applying with a GED would. Please offer your experienced advice on the subject, with some explanation of why you have experience in such.

Thanks in advance :)

Grim's picture
Submitted by Grim on

Well it all depends on what school you're trying to get into. If your trying to get into Cal Arts, more or less the top animation school, they dont give a damn what your GPA is. Let alone if you have even taken the ACT/SAT. As long as you have a good portfolio, most art schools dont care what the rest of your credentials are. The only catch migh be if your trying to get into a Universities Animation program. Such as USC. Then you would need to apply to the school directally, and then apply to the art school. This would be an instance where GPA/ACT scores would play a big role. It would be the same as if you were applying to any Univeristy.