Hellloo's my first demoreel...which mean my first step.:) ..comments and critics r most welcome...Thx in advance and cheeersss....
Hellloo's my first demoreel...which mean my first step.:) ..comments and critics r most welcome...Thx in advance and cheeersss....
Not a bad first reel! The quality is a bit variable but I think you're off to a good start. All of your stuff on the reel is physical stuff, and cyclic in nature. How about some acting work for your next one?
Good luck!
cool demo reel,usually 3d demo reel's arent nearly as good.
Im tired of seeing the same blue model, say some line from kill bill.Your reel has a lot more variety,and you seem to be a good cgi animator.
Nice indeed! Re: Wolf's head---I'd add some minor side-to-side movement.
Thank you...
Hello again....
Kevan:Thank you...but what do you mean by variable quality??do u mean there are weak clips??..if so, it will be great if u mention it to me...AHHH about acting i'm working hard on it..and hope i can excel..:) ...anyway thx again..
Thunderobot:Ohhh that's so kind....that's a realy great encourage me...thank youu..:)...cheeersss
Zabrisa:Thanks for the hint... i'll check it and see ..cause in fact i met a lot of prob. in this wolf...cheersss
Rami D.