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Make a commercial for the commercial competition Kort&Godt

By kortoggodt | Monday, September 25, 2006 at 1:08am

Make a commercial for the commercial competition Kort&Godt

The idea- and commercial competition Kort&Godt was last year a huge success. 172 commercials were sent to the competition in just 7 weeks. Now we repeat the competition on an even lager scale.

Kort&Godts main competition with 100.000 dk kr. (10.000 ukp.) in price money and with loads of sponsoring prices begins the 1. of January. Until then, you can participate by making a commercial fore the Kort&Godt competition it selves.

How do you compete:
Get an idea, or more…
Film it, draw it or describe it in words
Sent it to us

You can start filming, drawing or writing now!
Deadline is the 22. of November.

We have good prices fore the best top 3 commercial films and best top 3 ideas
You can reed more about the competition on our website (In Danish, sorry)

Fore the main competition we will have the concept translated, until then make alliance with a Dane, Swede or a Norwegian who can translate… sorry for the inconvenience

Hope to see you onboard in spite of all ;-)

Yours sincerely

Tommy Duus

LoveClassics's picture

I'm a big fan of "geister" by Lars Von Trier, so you'll understand if I ask the following:

"Get an idea, or more…
Film it, draw it or describe it in words
Sent it to us"

are there warranties that what we send will not be used later, if we don't win, or modified and used if we don't win?

[I]I'll work 10 hours a day for $350.

Andreas does the photoshop posters for Paramount, gets $700 per day at 7 hours plus an hour off for lunch.

You do the math as to which is a better deal.[/I]

LoveClassics's picture

yeah, somehow I KNEW there'd be no reply to that question.


very very sad.

[I]I'll work 10 hours a day for $350.

Andreas does the photoshop posters for Paramount, gets $700 per day at 7 hours plus an hour off for lunch.

You do the math as to which is a better deal.[/I]