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You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti
A new TV show idea I have. I think Ken Davis might recognize him. ;)
Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.
You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti
Love the story ideas, but the character doesn't quite grab me. Maybe it's the white shirt with the white background causes me to lose the edge. Are you thinking TV, web, series of shorts? Is he the only recurring character? Does he have a love interest? Inquiring minds want to know. Show more as you make it.
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Hare it's not just animation where these posers crop up, they are everywhere...in every office, and job. And some of them have been "kissed by the fairies" they prosper while the rest of the people that do the work just get by and never recognized.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Great questions, Alan. I'll answer each one by one.
Are you thinking TV, web, series of shorts? Wherever they fit. If a TV oppurtunity comes along, it's a TV show. If a web toon oppurtunity comes along, it's a web toon. He could be in a comic book too. You never know.
Is he the only recurring character? So far, yes. But more could be added as the show prgresses, just like any other show. The Simpsons for example started off as just about the family with local characters adding atmosphere. But, many of those characters have developed likeable enough personalities to develop followings and even have entire episodes dedicated to them. Only time will tell if this show has something similar happen.
Does he have a love interest? Although the real guy this is based on had a wife and child, I don't think Mr. Mullet needs a love interest persay. Maybe, like I stated above, a love interest character will be added and be likeable enough to be used again.
Phacker ~ Yes, posers are in every industry. That is the very thing that gives this idea so many possible directions to go in.
Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.
You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti