web site
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Today I checked my site LARRY'S TOON INSTITUTE and it is up and running.
MANY. MANY THANKS TO Reina Cayetano for her work on the site.
She happens to be a terrific artist, a wonderful person, loves to work - so anyone who needs help with anything especially preproduction, etc. (storyboards, character design, layouts and matt painting) call Rei -she gets the job done.
my site is at
I am working on new lessons as I write...but the new galleries are up.
How much longer before the web site is up fully?
Neat, a blogspot! (Will I ever get used to the look of you clean-shaven, Mr L.?)
Hi Larry.
It's not functioning properly in Firefox, only ie.
I also have to say that the constant new windows isn't helping you. They're annoying. Also, in ie (where they work) the navigation items give no sound or visual clue acknowledgement that my click has been recognized. By the time the menu rolls down, I've already clicked two other items.
All the best. Love your stuff.
Gr8 site for lesson ......
Have checked your site.Nice work so far except some browsing problem(All links are not working properly)
But you have done some gr8 lessons for those who are in intermediate level in animation.
Keep it up.....:D :)