A while ago I posted my new reel, here is know my new website.
I hope the navigation is simple
any crits are welcome
A while ago I posted my new reel, here is know my new website.
I hope the navigation is simple
any crits are welcome
I really like the variety on the show reel. The entire site looks great. Very nice stuff.
Great Site!
The website is off the hook! It really looks great! I like your style, its very unique.
I too very much liked the show reel. The text at the front and end was hard to read though. Of course if you primarily send it out on DVD or tape it probably is much better.
Get some "Good Advice" at
very cool stuff!
<div style="clear:both;"></div><div align="center"><embed allowScriptAccess="never" src="" width="467" height="108" type="video/quicktime" loop="true" autoplay="false"></embed><br /><em><span style="font-family:arial;font-size:85%;"></span></em></div>
Hey, I loved the character design! : ))
Thanks so much for all the replies!
I am glad you like it!