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Need help fusing Animation and live action

By Cellulum | Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 1:23pm

Hello there!
Sorry if i'm posting in the wrong thread, but let me just say that this wil be my first post in this forum and i am gratful to be registered.

Now on to my delema. Just recently at my job (I work at a movie theater : p) i was assigned to do a small promotional short for a movie coming out this summer. I was assigned this because i have experience in animation and i'd get paid decently. What i am supposed to do is have a 15 second short combining live action and animation (think Roger Rabbit). What i need to do is have An animated character fly in and land in a live environment, buy a ticket and walk through a door. I'm confident i can do the animation, but the problem is that i am having trouble fusing the live action. Traditionaly, i use flash 8. I did several tests will digital cameras and importing footage into flash, but it always has poor quality and/or frame rate.

I need to ask you all if there's a way i can combine live action and animation so that the quality is good on both? Sadly, using flash is the only way i could think of. The programs i have that could possibly be involved include iMovie, Photoshop, Ilistrator, Windows movie maker (yeah right), adobe premire, flash 8, and the rest of iLife.

This is due by the 28th of June, so PLEASE HELP!

Animated Ape's picture

Hi Cellulum, and welcome to the AWN Forums. I've moved you post into the Animation Cafe as you'll get more response in here.

The best way to composit the animation with the live action is to do it with After Effects. You should be able to do it with Premiere but I don't think it'll be as easy.

Shoot your live action first. Export out a low res Quicktime movie and import it into Flash. Now you can match up the animation to the live action and it won't be such a huge file. When you're done, export out just the animation, and composit it in AE or Premeire. I'm not sure what file types AE or Premeire likes so I'll let anyone else who is more familiar with those programs handle that. Just make sure you are working in the same frame rate in both Flash and what ever program you are compositing it in.

If you can post it, it would be great to see your project when it's done.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Cellulum's picture
Submitted by Cellulum on

Shoot your live action first. Export out a low res Quicktime movie and import it into Flash. Now you can match up the animation to the live action and it won't be such a huge file. When you're done, export out just the animation, and composit it in AE or Premeire. I'm not sure what file types AE or Premeire likes so I'll let anyone else who is more familiar with those programs handle that. Just make sure you are working in the same frame rate in both Flash and what ever program you are compositing it in.

If you can post it, it would be great to see your project when it's done.

the Ape

Wow. I asked someone else what program i should use. Imediantly, they said "Aftereffects". I totally know how amazing after effects can be, especially in tight situations. Sadly, i don't know how to use it,:( , this will definantly be a lesson of what i should use in the future.
Thanks Ape!

Animated Ape's picture

Yeah, you can do a lot in Affter Effects if you know how to use it, which I don't. But you are on the right track. Flash for the animation, and After Effects for post. If you can find someone that does know After Effects, you could probably pay them something for their services, or take it out in trade. Since you work at a movie theater, give them a bunch of free passes or something. With ticket prices, that just might be worth it.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."