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Heathen's Gallery

By Heathen | Saturday, April 8, 2006 at 7:34pm

I'm a little nervous showing off my work to people I am not familiar with. My friends never honestly criticize my work so I am unable to improve it.
My name is Melanie and I'm 16; I hope to get into an art school with an animation department and hopefully start my own animation company someday.:D
These are pictures of paintings and other art works that I've made during an Emily Carr Institute intensive course during spring break. I will hopefully be updating this gallery so people can tell me what they think I should do to improve.

AstroShal's picture
Submitted by AstroShal on

Very impressive, especially considering they're done in the middle of school :P

Love that tree face.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Here are the cartoon versions of the previous pencil sketch.

They aren't really good, but they are just sketches. I'm still fixing them.

Heathen's picture
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Some more character designs.

LeechKin's picture
Submitted by LeechKin on

Wow, I really like the hunchback. Very striking :)

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Originally Posted by L_Finston
It's actually "cel" rather than "cell"

Thanks for telling me about that. I was never sure of the correct spelling for cel because people tend to use both spellings without knowing.

Originally Posted by L_Finston
I think the head and the upper part of the body turned out well. I also think that deep down you know that birds aren't shaped like that. When they stand, they stick out in front and in back, and balance on their legs.

No worries. I know what birds look like. I've studied birds in real life and also taken many pictures of them (like my crow avatar). I tend to distort proportions a lot to see what would happen...oh and the wings and the legs, I made them that way on purpose. I'm trying to make very strange characters.:D

This is a very quick ball-point pen sketch I did during socials class.:D It doesn't really have a purpose...I do a lot of stuff without knowing why I do it. Apparently it's a good artisitc quality to have.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Originally Quoted by AstroShal
Very impressive, especially considering they're done in the middle of school :P

Thanks. You'd think I was a bad student but actually I'm one of the top honour roll students of my grade... enough about me...
Anyways here's the latest character sheet of my little guy!:D

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This is a cartoon caricature I did of my Physics teacher...guess that shows you what I do during class...:D

He has the biggest bushiest eyebrows I have ever seen...

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More sketches!:D

This is another self-portrait. Only I went a little overboard with the lines and cross-hatching and stuff. Now it looks as though the crow is coming out of her shoulder...

I'm not sure what it is but I call it the walking toaster with shoes...if it even is a toaster.

And finally the turkey bird...

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

I did a background drawing using perspective this time!...only it looks awful...the perspective is awful...well I better start practicing doing backgrounds that require perspective! A new challenge!:D

The character has lost some of its vitality...mostly because I didn't put line is really hard to have line thicknesses on a drawing that's from far away. Also my scanner isn't really good at scanning drawings that have been colored by pencil crayons.

LeechKin's picture
Submitted by LeechKin on

I really like the bone studies. I find drawing realistic skeletons to be rather tricky sometimes. Even with a reference. I can get it if I really try but it can be a bit daunting for me sometimes getting the right thicknesses and curves and still making it look realistic.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Well here's another drawing...although he kinda looks like noname from Spirited Away. Good old noname...except my dude has a gun and a knife, while noname eats people for being greedy. Different personalities.:D

However, this was more of a drawing that included one-point perspective. I think I've finally managed to incorporate perspective successfully! Only the buildings are fairly simple...well you start small!:D And work your way up from there.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

More new sketches!:D

This is a new character I'm working on for a very long comic series.

This sketch is of a character that I will use for an animation project.:D

Heathen's picture
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Can someone tell me if the comic style is good? I never showed these pages of a comic I've been working on to anyone before, not even my parents because they never tell me how to improve. I need to know if the style is good or looks terrible. I also need to know if it looks like manga. I don't want it to look like manga. I need a new eye to look at it and tell me what I need to change to make it look less like manga and more realistic.:D

There is no lettering yet because I haven't completed that comic yet and I do the lettering at the end.:D

Heathen's picture
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I drew this before french's a baby haida bird spirit!:D

Heathen's picture
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Javanese shadow puppets are so weird and awesome!! Just like Westcoast indian art!:D
Anyways here are some life drawings..or whatever.

TRainz's picture
Submitted by TRainz on

I think it looks good Mel
I love your backgrounds
but maybe you schould experiment with screentones

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

I know, but I'm not particularly fond of computer programs. Mine are all very old and outdated so I prefer to keep computer usage to a minimum. I only use it for lettering. I guess I should start thinking of playing around with screentones. Thanks for the tip.:D

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Hey Phreak! the sketches are just inspired from some stuff i've been researching, mostly stuff like wicca, shamanism and anicient civilisations. unfortunately, i think i spend more time in historical books than i do in my sketchbook...

here's some more sketches....

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Heh heh more drawings done at school...

Don't ask me to explain this...I simply drew what my hand told me to draw.

Inspired by Narnia.

Character for a series of odd short comics.

Heathen's picture
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This is a character sketch of Augury, the main character in a comic that I will be working on over the summer and hopefully complete during the summer.:D

The character proportions are way off but I just wanted the design on paper.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Thanks MonkeyGirl for the tips on the hands and feet!

Also I haven't updated my gallery lately because I had so much school work dumped on me! These drawings are just to figure out the design of a character for an animation project.

Heathen's picture
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Another drawing of that character...:D

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Not bad not bad Cartuneman!
'cept maybe my upcoming math test and english essay but other than that. not bad at all!
glad you're still liking my stuff!

Here's a little drawing I did really fast.
It's of Kokopelli, the hunchback flute player whose back is supposedly full of seeds. I remember in elementary school, my english teacher wanted us to read this novel and it had Kokopelli in it. I'm surprised I even remember this stuff.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

I know this isn't a sketch but I had to put it up in my gallery.:D

Messing around with photographs on the computer...:D
I like messing up photographs, it's so fun!

Heathen's picture
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Here are some key drawings in the animation I'm doing as a project for school. I've already done the inbetweens. Does anyone have any tips for hand-drawn or cell animation? This is my first serious attempt at it and I don't want anything to go horribly wrong because the deadline is soon. Also does anyone know any real good animation programs for hand-drawn animations? I need to get one for my personal computer, the ones we have at school aren't really good.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Okay so I feel like I can't draw's probably just a phase...which repeats all the time. Oh well.
Anyways as I was waiting for my camera to unload its pictures into the computer, I decided to scan something from my very small sketchbook.

I'm in the process of writing the story that accompanies this last character. I hope I won't get bored half way through like I usually get and stop completely. If I do finish it, I'll proceed with drawing the comic book.

TRainz's picture
Submitted by TRainz on

very cool
but I still can't find any good animation programs Mel

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Thanks Leechkin! I really liked him too, in fact, I'm redesigning him to put in an animation.
Here's my progress so far:

Heathen's picture
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Referenced the pose from an old roman painting depicting Diana, the goddess of the hunt. There's no clothes added because I thought if I added them I would ruin it, which is what usually happens. I figured I'll go back and add them once I feel confident I won't completely destroy it by adding clothes. The pole she's holding was from the original painting, I'm thinking of changing it into visible remnants of wind gusts as her hand looks like it's doing something rather magical.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

two of my favorite anime characters done in a more american comic book style, i was more concerned with the running girl's pose as i have a hard time drawing people with more or less correct anatomy running. characters are hitomi and merle from escaflowne.

for whatever reason i find it easier to practice anatomy using existing characters. i'm hoping that this practice will lead to my own characters looking anatomically correct. obviously i need to practice my hands, they look grossly mutated.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Wow thanks for the great tips Laurence! I used to do hand lettering on my comics but I think I prefer using a computer, also I took figure drawing courses. I really liked it too but I find it hard to apply it to comics. Oh well, I better work on it.:D
Here are the new additions to my gallery! Fooling around with line thicknesses.

Unfortunately the drawings suffered a bit in quality through the scanning.

Heathen's picture
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Another drawing...

Heathen's picture
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I love Northwest Coast Indian Art! I find it very spiritual and creative and base a lot of my stuff on it too. I also love their stories because they are so different from regular stories. I also love their totem poles and their culture. It's just so different from regular art!:D
I wish to make an animation featuring haida characters. Eventually!

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

I went on a drawing rampage at school much for my academic classes... mostly concept sketches though.

Heathen's picture
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And here's some more...
btw i'm playing with the designs of a character for a comic book of sorts... still thinking about it.

this was not meant as a sequential page... just playing around

LeechKin's picture
Submitted by LeechKin on

Wow. I love how dynamic you make your poses. It all works so nicely. For some reason that scrawny dog with the neckbrace makes me think of that old show, Family Dog. You make really nice eye candy, I can't focus on one picture too long because I keep seeing something else to catch my eye.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Agree with you there LeechKin! I never really try to draw realistically, but do a lot of small fast sketches so that I can understand the bone structure as opposed to draw it realistically. I always tell myself if I wanted to draw something realistically, I'd just look at an anatomy book or something... These days I have no time to take my time...

Here's a drawing I did of one of my favorite anime characters. Only thing is that I decided to make it a more american comic book style as opposed to anime. She's barely recognizable, as the only features from anime that define the character are usually the hair and clothing. BTW if you're curious, this is Hitomi Kanzaki from Escaflowne.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Here's a sketch I made titled Waiting for Global Warming to Happen.:D

Heathen's picture
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Some odd character I drew when I was bored...

Heathen's picture
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This is a drawing I did for a friend (who is an absolute fan of the Gundam Seed Series). I drew this from a frame of one of the shows. Actually I have to say I'm kind of a Gundam Seed fan myself!:D

How in the world can people animate Gundams? I find it hard to keep a character the same shape but when the character is a complex robot???...

Heathen's picture
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Anatomy is interesting...yet it is so frustrating to master without reference.
Here are some pen's running out of ink.

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Here are some more drawings I did during school. Yeah I know I should be listening to my teachers and doing one does that in high school.:D

I like the ipod dragon. I think I'm going to make an animation where it looks like an ipod commercial and the dragon is dancing around.:D

Heathen's picture
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Something weird I drew today...:D

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Thanks Leechkin!
I've never heard of familydog before, so I can't say whether or not there is a similarity between the two. Is it interesting?

Here's some more concept stuff...

And something different..

I really wish I had more time to do something more complete than just a sketch...

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

Here are some more design sketches of the same monster...although I still can't make a good one though...

This is a profile view.

Heathen's picture
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Here's a design for the back of a t-shirt I was hoping to make...:D

Heathen's picture
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More new pics from today!:D

Colored with a very very old version of Corel.:D

And our friend from yesterday is being taken for a walk.
