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this is the day

By pascal | Monday, February 13, 2006 at 8:08pm

february fourtennth
watch out for the arrows guys!


motionmilitia's picture

Pascal... you're my flippin' hero man.

just outta curiousity, what song is that? Sounds really familiar.


pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

kevan everybody at your WORK??
wait, wait, wait...
aren't you at dreamworks or something?
are you trying to tell me that guys from feature films studios "like" my stuff?


blink metoys..
yeah... the final was done and finished yesterday
it was mainly a " test" to see if a new team of people that had never worked together could do it.
i''l post it up in a bit ( wheni get my hands on it!)

I just took a song that was in my" copyrightfree" music folder!
I think you might've heard that one on some commercials though!

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

ok guys... here's the final
remenber.. there has been quite a few changes, and a team of new people worked on it
as i was saying it was an exercice more than anything else!
for a first shot.. i turned out great i think!

kevan's picture
Submitted by kevan on

Well, I thought it was cute so I sent it a few friends, yeah.

The pacing seems better in your new version, although I like yesterday's animation roughs more, since I'm a sucker for that stuff.


pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

i'm a big sucker for the rough style as well!!

I agree.. the pacing is better in the second one.. more readable!
I juts took a look at your blog by the way!
I like what you say about your animation blocking!
so true


Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

Yay, Pascal's back!!! :D :D :D

kevan's picture
Submitted by kevan on

Thanks Pascal. I try to post something once a week or so, but it takes ages since I usually write stuff between the clicking of this and the geeking of that - always so much to do!

Keep posting the great work,

Thunderobot's picture

Killer,I love the design of the cupid guy.I also like the whole theme,and the ending. :D

Its great to see some more animation from you.

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

Awesome as always. Just out of curiosity, is it a finished version? I'm just asking because it displayed with a red box on mine (like a future crop mask or something).

I defintely agree with Scattered's observation on the cop robber thing (I thought the same thing). I got it, but by the time my mind caught up with reasoning it out, I feel like I missed some of the rest of it. Kind of like listening to Robin Williams when he was really cranked up on Coke. By the time you got one of his jokes, you had missed two more...

I dig it. Let me guess, fifteen minutes all done on your laptop while you waited at traffic lights on the way to work. :D

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

hey guys!!

thanks for the feedback feels good to hear you all again( metaphorically speaking!)
kdiddy.. nope.. it's just an animatic.
i'm not doing the finished on this one..
it's actually getting finished right now....

scattered.. yup..i noticed that too!


pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

got it
read it
answered it



kevan's picture
Submitted by kevan on

Hi Pascal, that was absolutely lovely, mate. Everyone at my work thought it was ace, also.


blinkmetoys's picture

haha, awesome. I love how cupid is like a trigger happy little menace.

If your not finishing it up then who is? youl still post the finished one riiiiight?

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo